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HomeEconomy'Tax The Rich, Not the Poor!': APMDD launches Wealth Tax campaign

‘Tax The Rich, Not the Poor!’: APMDD launches Wealth Tax campaign

MANILA, Philippines – Asian People’s Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD), composed of various people’s organizations and formations from all over Asia, held a conference formally launching their wealth tax campaign last Monday, September 2, 2024 entitled “Peoples’ Petition for Wealth Tax for Public Services & Climate Action.”

The launch was sparked first with the campaign’s theme song entitled “Tax the Rich, Not the Poor” performed by artist and tax advocate Meggy Katigbak.

In preparation for the said launch, leaders of APMDD member organizations formally gathered in a writeshop and strategy session, pledging to collect at least 1 million signatures organically from concerned citizens all over the continent.

Situationers from Asian countries were provided by renowned APMDD leaders, including data and presentations from Dr. Arjun Kumar Karki of Rural Reconstruction Nepal, Aishwarya Visvanathan of Monitoring Sustainability for Globalisation (MSN) of Malaysia, Rovik Obani of the Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC) and Atty. Luke Espiritu of Bukluran ng Manggagawang Pilipino (BMP) from the Philippines.

Panel discussions were also led by Jeannie Manipon, program manager of APMDD’s Development Finance Program together with Farooq Tariq, general secretary of Pakistan Kissan Rabita Committee. All groups reiterated the need for a tax overhaul, and for new tax architecture to be upheld by the United Nations.

Last August 16, 2024, the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the development of a UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation was adopted. Based on this ToR, governments are to proceed in negotiating the new UN Tax Convention.

According to Manipon, the recent adoption of the Terms of Reference is a “milestone in the fight to end inequalities in global ta rules and to make them work for people and the planet.”

“We expect governments in Asia to adopt a UN Tax Convention during the 79th session of the UN General Assembly this September, and it should be anchored on upholding parity and sovereignty of nations; advancing human right and sustainable development, ensuring equitable allocation of taxing rights and harnessing taxations redistribution function,” Manipon added. (Photo by Bernadette Anne Morales)



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