“Bare-Knuckle” is an innovative action film directed by Alex De Ocampo and written by award-winning screenwriter Mark Labella. The film stars Kevin Kreider, Devon Diep, Jordan Mahr, and Michael Naizu, and features cameos from Tommie Mopia and Marvin Aritrangco. Set against the backdrop of the 1980s, the film blends thrilling action with deep social commentary, challenging stereotypes and championing diversity.
Angeles, CA – May 5, 2024 – Last night, the 24th Beverly Hills Film
Festival was set ablaze with the premiere of “Bare-Knuckle,” an 80’s
throwback Hong Kong-style action film that not only thrilled audiences
but also broke new ground in cinematic representation. Directed by Alex
De Ocampo and written by the acclaimed Mark Labella, whose notable
credits include producing the 2022 international hit Labyu with an
Accent, the film has already sparked considerable interest and
anticipation for its full-feature version, with funding firmly in place.
Kevin Kreider of “Bling Empire” fame, Devon Diep, and led by promising
newcomers Jordan Mahr and Michael Naizu, “Bare-Knuckle” introduces a
groundbreaking Asian action lead who is openly gay, challenging
long-standing Hollywood stereotypes and offering a fresh perspective on
heroism. The film’s premiere saw a packed house and received rave
reviews, signaling a strong appetite for diverse and dynamic
cast also features memorable cameos from Tommie Mopia in his big-screen
debut and Celebrity Chef Marvin Aritrangco, adding to the film’s
unique flair and appeal. “It was an honor seeing Filipinos lead this
action film with powerful male and female Asian characters,” said Mopia,
reflecting the sentiment of empowerment and pride that permeates the
“At its core, ‘Bareknuckle’ is a mirror reflecting the harsh reality
faced by AAPI LGBT youth, echoing the struggles that persist in a
society that is meant to be progressing towards acceptance and
understanding,” stated Director Alex De Ocampo. This poignant message
resonates deeply with audiences and critics alike, positioning
“Bare-Knuckle” as a film that transcends its action-packed sequences to
touch on significant social issues.
Beverly Hills Film Festival, known for attracting major stars like
Sharon Stone, Al Pacino, and Jeff Goldblum, touted “Bare-Knuckle” as one
of its most well-attended showings, further solidifying its status as a
must-see film. With the script for the full feature already underway,
the filmmaking team, led by De Ocampo and Labella, is gearing up for an
exciting journey ahead, pushing boundaries and setting new benchmarks in
the industry.
is not just an action movie; it’s a vital commentary on the challenges
and triumphs of the AAPI LGBT community, offering both exhilaration and
enlightenment to its viewers.